Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Changing Hypocrisy of Liberalism

The Changing Hypocrisy of Liberalism

Most of us who have been paying attention know that liberalism infiltrated Hollywood decades back and has been using its resources to permeate films and television shows with whatever liberalism decided was the main indoctrination point of the day. Far too often the described issues, little better than Communistic propaganda in most instances, was introduced under the auspices of the United States Government in order to promote agendas that were in line with what Uncle Sam wanted his "family members" to believe.

Even the seemingly most innocent of films and shows far too often are infused with hidden subject matter lying just beneath the surface and promote such matters as "it takes a village to raise a child," meaning that the government knows better what is necessary for raising our children than the parents themselves. Certainly with Hollywood promulgating adultery and avant-garde sexuality that aided in bringing down the traditional family unit and replacing it with one-parent families, most often without fathers in the home so children received a balanced upbringing from both genders, our culture went through a dramatic transformation that set our children up not only to fail, but to accept Uncle Sam as the main provider through such programs as welfare, underprivileged housing developments, and further divisions of racial cultures in order to draw ever-widening groups of families into the government's clutches over several generations.

As more of our society drew back from social interaction (I refer to real interaction of a physical nature, not media-interaction through the online "cultures" we utilized most today) with others television claimed more of our time every year and thus TV shows were the chosen method for indoctrinating the American society even more than movies. Dramas, especially police dramas,  drew in the biggest audiences, so series such as "Law & Order" became the most often used lines through which political propaganda flowed.

However, if you look closely at the older episodes of these shows you will see that what liberalism claimed as politically correct twenty years ago too often clashes with the PC message of today. For instance, in Law & Order season 8, episode 10, titled "Ritual", you will find the following storyline description:

"An Egyptian man is murdered because he had hired an Egyptian doctor to perform a female circumcision on the man's niece. A.D.A.s McCoy and Ross have to deal with a clash between cultural convictions and the law."

This episode aired December 17, 1997, and the main message underlying the episode was that regardless of cultural or religious beliefs, the government was far better equipped to decide what was right for our children than the parents. To be fair, the subject matter was such that any rational, intelligent, and moral human being would be appalled at the thought of young girl's having their clitorises mutilated simply because Muslim culture and religious practices believed it was the best way to keep females pure so they would not seek sexual intercourse before and outside of marriage. Naturally the point was well made and even the A.D.A. who was assigned to try the case disliked having to bring charges against the father who murdered the Egyptian Muslim doctor who entered into America for the sole purpose of mutilating his young daughter against his will, but in-line with the desires of the girl's Muslim grandmother ad mother.

The solution to this dilemma? The father who committed the murder accepted a lesser plea that would send him to prison for a shorter period of time as long as he was guaranteed that his wife, who was complicit in the mutilation of their daughter and had been forced to undergo the same procedure when she was only eight years old, would not have custody of their daughter. Who was this girl to live with while her father served his prison term if the mother was forbidden to raise her? The paternal grandparents, who would consent to the restrictions placed upon this girl's upbringing by the State, meaning that the mother would be able to visit her own daughter only under strict supervision. Such a solution sounds like a happy and pleasant one, as long as you have partaken of the Kool-Aid liberally laced with the poison of liberalism.

Such messages were rampant throughout the nineties in many television shows and were effective in re-educating Americans to accept Big Brother as the primary authority in raising American children. However, when you look at these same shows in light of the political correctness of today you find that the inherent messages are made through processes that would not be allowed in modern day TV. Now we are being told that accepting the Muslim way of life into our culture is a good thing and that Sharia Law is more moral and ethical than American laws and culture, even though history and even modern practice of this outdated and barbaric set of rules proves time and again that it is Sharia Law that needs to be exterminated from every society on the face of the Earth. The aforementioned television episode of Law & Order proved this point without any doubt!

Liberalism is ever-changing as it marches across the world, attempting to stomp out every truly moral and ethical practice that gets in its way, but the changes it undergoes are always conflicting with its previous messages. This is why it is incumbent upon all truly moral and ethical people to look back upon these past messages in order to recognize how liberalism has changed and how it currently promotes what it once decried. Do you want to know what is next to be pushed upon our society as PC? Look at what was previously demonized and you will have your answer. Americans must open their minds to see so they are no longer fooled by Uncle Same and Hollywood and cease being spoon-fed whatever flavor of political correctness the government, through the vehicle of Hollywood, decides is best at the moment.

Open your eyes, America. It's time to take back our country!

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Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Great American Tradition

It's been a few weeks since we celebrated this year's Fourth of July or Independence Day through remembrance of those who fought to establish this country as an independent nation and all those since who have fought in various wars to keep America free. When we celebrate this summer holiday it is generally with a lot of well-established American traditions, from setting off fireworks that simulate the warfare of making America what it is today, to flying the stars and stripes of our nation's flag.

Another well-established American tradition is something that a big percentage of Americans might not even realize is a tradition that goes back all the way to some of the Founding Fathers who initially gave their all to see that the people of this nation secured the right to govern themselves and that is the tradition of social nudism. That's right, I said social nudism, as in the practice of removing one's clothing and joining together with others of like mind who enjoy being completely clothes free around other people.

Of the Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin is the most well-known as being a practicing nudist, although much has changed concerning the tradition of being clothes-free since Old Ben's time. He has been quoted as stating in a letter, “You know the cold bath has long been in vogue here (London) as a tonic, but the shock of the cold water has always appeared to me as too violent, and I have found it much more agreeable to my constitution to bathe in another element, I mean cold air. With this in view I rise almost every morning and sit in my chamber without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.” Franklin was also an avid swimmer and in those days although there did exist a style of swimwear that some wore, it was so stifling and restrictive (consisting of much more material than the majority of clothing Americans wear as regular everyday-wear in modern times) that many opted for "skinny dipping" or shedding their clothes for swimming and this was the style adhered to by Benjamin Franklin and others in the first century of American society.

American History does not record any type of "nudist club or colony" until the early 1900s, but social nudism in various forms can be found in many historical documents if one knows where to look. Unlike various countries in Europe, the nudism of two hundred years ago was perhaps less popular in America than it is now, but it did exist and was practiced by noted individuals (ie, John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States and son of John Adams, the second President, who served directly after George Washington).

There is much debate over when, how and by whom the more modern version of nudist clubs came into being, but I am not about to get into all of that in this blog. I will post links and if you care to read them you can peruse the various views on how social nudism came into its own in the early 1900s. Suffice it to say that it did indeed eventually move from people's homes to shared country estates and venues so that larger groups could meet together and enjoy the various aspects and health benefits nudism presented.

Today, nudist clubs are spread across the United States and exist in every nation in the world that is not governed by a repressive totalitarian regime of one sort or another. The venues are as assorted as the people who frequent these clubs, but all more or less abide by the same basic tenants of nudism as made popular by such organizations as the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) and The Naturist Society (TNS), both established here in America. Even television programming has recognized the interest many Americans have in nudism and have begun producing TV series based upon people being nude, though so far these shows (Naked and Afraid, Dating Naked, and Buying Naked) basically take non-nudists and place them in situations where they are required to strip off all clothing and participate with others in a completely clothes-free environment. I have yet to see a series based strictly upon actual nudists and their desire to live according to nudist beliefs.

Although many nudist clubs operate year-round still others close their doors when colder seasons begin, simply because most people in those areas of the country don't frequent their favored clubs when the weather is cold, wet, and/or snowy. This is the reason why Independence Day weekend is viewed as the beginning of American nudism and National Nude Week is held the first full week of July of each year, because for many portions of the United States the weather is not as conducive to being clothes free as it is when July rolls around. Thus, nudism is seen as an American Fourth of July tradition as much as fireworks, BBQs, hot dogs, and watermelon.

Social nudism has even begun to find its way into popular literature, as evidence by two recent novels, "Chronicles of a Bare Naked Nudist" and for those who enjoy more of a romance flavor to their reading "Since the Moment We Met". Both involve life within a nudist setting (in fact, Since the Moment We Met was based upon the same setting and characters presented initially in Chronicles of a Bare Naked Nudist, with permission from the book's author).

If you have yet to sample the freedom and joys that being publicly nude in social settings with other people has to offer, search out a nudist club near you (you'll be surprised how many are in some states) and schedule a visit for you and your family. Yes, nudism is a family orientation and kids take to shedding their clothes and running around "nekkid" much easier than adults, simply because most have not been as highly indoctrinated into being ashamed of their bodies as adults have. Nudist clubs are highly protective of children and are more adept at keeping out those who would prey upon children than any other organization in the United States.

For more information on the history of nudism in America, visit these links:

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Authors Writing Process Blog Tour 2014

May 24th, 2014

I am jazzed and privileged to have been invited to this blog tour by not just one, but two of my author friends -  Aaron David and Lisa Vandiver. You can find out more about Aaron's book "The Tale of the Ancient Marina" here and Lisa's (several) books here. These two great authors both invited me to be part of “the writing process tour” with the aim to give an insight into how (or why) we do what we do and I thought, "Hey, I'm big enough to be able to spread myself between the two of them," right?

1) What am I working on?
That's a loaded question. As I've stated many times, what I'm working on today may not be what  I'll be working on tomorrow, but that doesn't necessarily mean that what I'm working on today will be finished by the time I start working on something different tomorrow.

Does that make sense? Probably not, unless you understand that the story idea process rooted deeply within my skull doesn't always allow me to finish one story before it begins nagging me to start work on a new one. I try my best to finish what I've started, but it isn't always possible. For instance, just today as I was thinking about who-knows-what in my life, I came up with two new plots, both sci-fi stories. I jotted down the basics of what I knew about them at the moment and went on with the train of thought I had been on at the time.

Currently I'm working on a novel I tentatively have titled "Chronicles of a Bare Naked Nudist". Seriously. This one is a straight drama, which I don't usually write, with a crime story element involved and some romance plot-lines thrown in for good measure. Where it will end up is anyone's guess, but it's currently at almost 85K words at the time of this writing. I think I'm about two-thirds to three-quarters through writing it, but I never know for certain until I'm completely finished.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Err, I guess because it comes from MY brain, not that of a normal, straight-laced, reality-based individual. No one has ever called me "normal" in my life and everything I write tends to prove that fact. How many drama/crime/romance novels have you ever read that were centered around the life of a newly-widowed police detective who decides to retire from the force and take up life traveling from one nudist club to another within the Continental United States? Exactly.

3) Why do I write what I do?
Because no one else ever does. Take a look at my past books and you'll find mostly storylines no one else ever thinks of writing stories on. Although superhero movies are HUGE these days and even TV shows are starting to evolve around superhero/comic book themes, not too many authors are writing about superheroes they've created. Those were the first stories I typed out from my brain, through my fingers and onto my keyboard and they won't be the last. Even my current novel theme, though it has nothing to do with super-powered people in any way, is something no one else has ever tackled and probably, had I not undertaken it, no one else ever would.

Then there are the vampire novels I've written, which are generally considered quite different from the typical vampire stories out today. For one thing, my vampires don't "sparkle", they burn up in direct sunlight and can't even move around during the day. These vampires drink blood - from living humans, not refrigerated bags, and are not lost in fits of depression over it. They are vampires. They accept that fact and act accordingly.

4) How does my writing process work?
I wish I knew. Usually when I'm holding a conversation with someone, or taking a walk, or working out, or watching a movie…You get the idea - pretty much during anything I happen to be doing I suddenly get a sniggering thought explode within my skull and quite often that explosion results in a plot idea that carries me through to a full-blown novel. I was once sitting in my apartment talking to my wife when I heard some people out by the pool (not far from where we live) and I paused briefly. When the moment passed I had the beginning of a plot wherein a man's entire life was changed in an instant of time with his world having been turned completely upside-down by the sudden and brutal deaths of his wife and grandchildren - who had been visiting him at the time. I still haven’t written that one, but the kernel of it is still rooted in the mush of my brain and one day I'll get around to it.

That's it for this blog tour entry. If what you've read about me compels (*hint*hint*) you to read one or more of my books, then I guess this was a successful entry, eh? You can find my eBooks at:
Barnes & Noble

Looking for more on this blog tour?

Aaron David

Aaron David is getting perilously close to fifty [Yeah, just wait another ten years, bub], lives in Bolton, the north of England, is married and has three (almost) grown-up kids. He is a tradesman and brilliant novelist, having written a handful of books currently on the shelves: “The Tale of the Ancient Marina” (Novel), “The Skiffies” (sci-fi shorts), “The Almost English Dictionaarony” (Shorts), “Rhyming stuff” (poems) and “The Complete Works” (everything in one volume). His second novel; "All the Loft Insulation You can Eat" is on it's way but don't hold your breath.

Lisa Vandiver

Lisa Vandiver has always been in love with the art of storytelling and has written poems and short stories since childhood. Her very first piece was in the local newspaper and it was simply titled, Santa Claus. She enjoys blogging and from time to time pens out free stories for her blogs, Imagination Alley and Lisa's Place. She also enjoys conducting interviews with her fellow authors on these sites as well. She has had one poem published with eFiction magazine in September, 2011. She currently has three romance novels - Where She Belongs (book one and two) and Josie's Thorn - published with Deadly Reads, one screenplay in edit, and is currently working on its novel version. In addition, she is in preparation of releasing her first horror/sci-fi story. She enjoys interacting with readers and fellow authors, so please, feel free to find her at the popular social sites, and say 'hi'.

Andrew Peters

Born in the swamps of Glamorgan, Andrew has wandered the world, generally with a guitar in hand.
He now resides in a beautiful village in central Spain, where the sun shines, the lake is warm, the drink is cheap and the people and animals are friendly.

He shares his place with two gorgeous local cats, more guitars than he can count [but remember, he is a Welshman] and a fridge full of wine.
Oh, and he writes stories. Many of them about Otis King, Memphis' Number One Welsh Blues detective. Others about Angels, murderers, failed Super-Villains and ingrowing toenails.

He'd be happy if some of his stories amused you for a while.

Andrew currently has eleven books published and is included in the Blood Bath anthology by Stephen Leather.

You can locate Andrew Peters and his books at: 

Shaun Allen

A writer of many prize winning short stories and poems, Shaun Allan has written for more years than he would perhaps care to remember. Having once run an online poetry and prose magazine he has appeared on Sky television to debate against a major literary agent the pros and cons of internet publishing as opposed to the more traditional method. Many of his personal experiences and memories are woven into Sin's point of view and sense of humor although he can't, at this point, teleport.
Shaun's books include:
A supernatural thriller described as 'a masterpiece', 'dark, disturbing and amazing' and 'incredible', and compared to Dean Koontz and Stephen King
13 stories. 13 poems. 13 doorways of the mind for the demons to enter through...  'Brilliant!'
An offbeat collection of poetry for children, including Mojo Jojo, Spider on my Ceiling and My Cat (the Vampire). 'A fantastic read' 'Very creative and expressive'
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Below are two choices for the cover for my in-progress (and hopefully next-to-be-published) novel, "Chronicles of a Bare Naked Nudist". leave a comment and let me know which one you think should be the cover.

Learning From the Old Ways

My people are known as the Lenni Lenape , which translates as the True People . This is how we thought of ourselves, since back then ...